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Posts published in “Media”

Remembering Walter Cronkite

The late CBS news anchor, Walter Cronkite, played a key role in the unravelling of Watergate. Cronkite, who has died aged 92, broadcast two extensive stories on Watergate in 1972. Ben Bradlee, former editor of the Washington Post, reflects on Cronkite's place in the Watergate scandal.

Deep Throat Dies At 95; Most Famous Secret Source In US History

Mark Felt, whose Deep Throat identity was revealed in 2005, has died, aged 95, at his home in Santa Rosa, California.

Mark Felt

Felt was Associate Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during the early period of Watergate. He started providing information and guidance to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward in 1972.

Referred to initially as “my friend” by Woodward, Felt was nicknamed Deep Throat, a reference to a pornographic movie of the time.

Watergate 25 Years Later: Barry Sussman

Barry Sussman was an editor at the Washington Post during Watergate.

Myths and Collusion

by Barry Sussman

1. The Myth of Deep Throat

The most frequently-asked Watergate question is, “Who is Deep Throat?” I was the Washington Post’s editor in charge of the Watergate coverage and I still get asked that a lot, even though it is a quarter-century since the break-in at Democratic headquarters.

That’s the power of myth: Over the years an anonymous bit player, a minor contributor, has become a giant.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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